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Importing into the UK?
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Importing a motor vehicle into the UK
Motor vehicles come in all shapes and sizes, and we can usually help with most of them.
As far as the actual shipping is concerned, there are several options available. These are:
01. Full Container Load (FCL)
This is where your car will be in a Container on its own.
02. Shared Container Load (LCL)
This is a similar service to the above, but as it indicated in the name, your vehicle will be in Container with other vehicles/goods.
03. Air Cargo
This is the quickest method of shipping any vehicle, but is also usually the most expensive.
04. By Road
By road this means the vehicle is either towed or on the back of truck/transporter.
05. Under its own steam
And No, steam does not mean your vehicle being an old steam engine. If it is a road-vehicle, then this would usually either be via the Eurotunnel or via ferry. If it is a boat, then sailed into a Port/Harbour or Marina and if it is an aircraft, then flown into one of the UK’s airfields/aerodromes.
For a more detailed explanation of the actual UK Customs rules and procedures when importing your motor vehicle, click here or why not contact our Imports Team by emailing: or by calling (T) +44 (0)345 309 6360. Thanks. ukimports
Remember : Shipping and Customs clearance doesn’t have to be expensive, but choosing the wrong agent could be! ™ ukimports
For more information on importing cars, motorcycles, boats, pick-ups or any other motor vehicle, please feel free to contact a member of our Imports Team, on 0845 309 6360, or email us at:
Other related pages
Import Information
Product Information
Customs Clearance
- Basic Import Advice
- Broker Agent Information
- UK Commodity Classification Codes
- Customs Declaration Service (CDS)
- Customs Exchange Rates
- Customs Freight Simplified Procedures
- Frequently Asked Questions
- How to Calculate UK Import Duty
- Customs Procedure Codes
- Import Duty VAT Calculator
- Inward Processing Relief
- Outward Processing Relief
- Return Goods Relief
Contact us to see if we can help you.
Why not see if we can help with paying the excise duty to UK Customs
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