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Safety and Security (S&S) ENS Declaration
As of the 31st of January 2025, all goods arriving into the UK from the EU must have a Safety and Security (S&S) ENS Declaration.
It is the responsibility of the carrier / haulier to ensure that this is done, but if we are handling the CDS Customs Declaration, then we can also create the ENS declaration for you.
Please contact a member of our team at or call (T) +44 (0)800 690 6310 for further information.
Note: This does not apply to Private Individuals who are importing goods as an International Parcel or who may be driving their own vehicle. ukimports
Here is a some more information about the S&S ENS declaration:
What information is needed to create an S&S ENS declaration?
As per Annex A of the Border Target Operating Model (BTOM) for Imports, there are 20 mandatory fields which must be completed and these are as follows :
- Local Reference Number (LRN)
- Consignor (Shipper/Exporter)
- Person lodging the summary declaration
- Consignee (Receiver/Importer)
- Country(ies) of routing codes
- Mode of transport at the border
- Identity of mean of transport crossing border
- First place of arrival code
- Date and time of arrival at first place of arrival in the Customs territory
- Place of loading
- Place of unloading code
- Goods description
- Types of packages
- Number of packages
- Goods item number
- Gross Mass (Kgs)
- Seal number
- Transport document number
- Transport charges method of payment code
- Declaration date and time
- You will need to ensure that whoever is completing the S&S ENS declaration has all of this information as well as copies of the documents relating to your goods.
When does the S&S ENS declaration need to be done?
Here is the minimum timeframe required to submit the Safety and Security (S&S) ENS declaration, depending upon ‘How’ your goods will be arriving into the UK.
Note: Amendments to declarations can only be made up until the point the goods arrive in the UK.
How you’re shipping goods |
When to submit (min. timing requirement) |
Maritime containerised cargo |
At least 24 hrs before loading at the port of departure |
Maritime bulk or break bulk cargo |
At least 4 hrs before arrival |
Roll on / Roll off (RORO) – accompanied cargo |
At least 2 hrs before arrival of the ferry operator |
RORO – unaccompanied freight |
At least 2 hrs before arrival of the ferry operator |
Short sea journeys |
At least 2 hrs before arrival |
Short-haul flights – less than 4 hr duration |
At least at the time of take off |
Long-haul flights |
At least 4 hours before arrival |
Rail and inland waterways |
At least 2 hours before arrival |
Channel Tunnel (Road traffic) |
At least 1 hr before arrival at the Eurotunnel terminal at Coquelles, France |
FAQs: What happens if no S&S ENS declaration is made, if it is done wrong and needs amending or if it is done late?
As this is a newly introduced requirement and a lot of the trucks which come over from Europe will be owner-drivers with limited understanding of English and the UK rules overall, you do have an obligation to ensure that whoever is arranging the cross-border transport, that they understand the new rules and that someone within the supply chain will be arranging for an S&S ENS declaration to be done, albeit your supplier, the carrier/haulier or the UK receiver/importer.
Here are a couple of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which the team here are receiving:
Q. What happens if no S&S ENS declaration is made?
After the 31st of January every shipment has to have a S&S ENS declaration. If, for whatever reason, one hasn’t been done, then you need to arrange for one to be done retrospectively.
Q. What happens if the S&S ENS declaration contains errors or some of the information has changed?
If some of the information on the S&S ENS declaration is wrong or has changed, then an amendment will have to be done. Amendments can be made up until the point of the goods arriving into the UK.
Q. What happens if the S&S ENS declaration is done late?
We have been advised that immediately after its introduction, that there will be a certain amount of tolerance from HMRC for situations where a genuine oversight or confusion results in an S&S ENS declaration not being submitted after the minimum timing requirement and in some cases, perhaps not submitted before the goods arrive. However, this tolerance and understanding will quickly go and anyone seen to be purposefully or regularly failing to submit the S&S ENS declaration within the given timeframe should expect to receive a financial penalty.
If you need any clarification on anything mentioned above or have any further questions, then please contact a member of our team at or call (T) +44 (0)800 690 6310.
Is there a cost involved?
Yes. Everyone who raises an S&S ENS declaration will charge for their service.
For more information on the process and costs involved, contact a member of our team at or call (T) +44 (0)800 690 6310.
Where can I find further information on this subject?
More information can be found on the UK Customs website, at
Email a member of our Imports Team to see if we can help you complete the Customs CDS declaration and Safety and Security (S&S) ENS declaration. ukimports
Phone us on (T) +44 (0)800 690 6310, or email us at:
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