Global shipping and UK Customs Broker

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HMRC / UK Customs Monthly Exchange Rates

We at UK Import Services clear goods through UK Customs on a daily basis and we could possibly assist you with your imported goods. Contact and request our charges for this service, which are cheaper that a lot of other agents charge. Email us at or call on our free phone number (T) 0800 690 6310.

Each month the UK’s HM Revenue and Customs issues exchange rates that will be used when converting any foreign currency to Pound Sterling, for calculating any Import Duties and Taxes. To show how we like to keep things simple for our customers, we have compiled a list of the most commonly used exchange rate, and these are updated every Month (once issued by HMRC).

July 2024

Each month the UK’s HM Revenue and Customs issues exchange rates that will be used when converting any foreign currency to Pound Sterling, for calculating any Import Duties and Taxes.

1 GB£ = Changed
Euro Zone [EUR] 1.1844 ukimports
Australia [AUD] 1.9090 ukimports
Canada [CAD] 1.7453 ukimports
China [CNY] 9.2393 ukimports
Hong Kong [HKD] 9.9387 ukimports
India [INR] 106.2292 ukimports
Japan [JPY] 201.0431 ukimports
Norway [NOK] 13.4400 ukimports
South Africa [ZAR] 22.9255 ukimports
Switzerland [CHF] 1.1258 ukimports
Taiwan [TWD] 41.2174 ukimports
Thailand [THB] 46.6766 ukimports


4.6758 ukimports
USA [USD] 1.2732


For archived Exchange Rates please see the HMRC website.

 June 2024

Each month the UK’s HM Revenue and Customs issues exchange rates that will be used when converting any foreign currency to Pound Sterling, for calculating any Import Duties and Taxes.

1 GB£ = Changed
Euro Zone [EUR] 1.1739 ukimports
Australia [AUD] 1.9119 ukimports
Canada [CAD] 1.7381 ukimports
China [CNY] 9.2020 ukimports
Hong Kong [HKD] 9.9207 ukimports
India [INR] 105.8672 ukimports
Japan [JPY] 199.0106 ukimports
Norway [NOK] 13.6069 ukimports
South Africa [ZAR] 23.1647 ukimports
Switzerland [CHF] 1.1629 ukimports
Taiwan [TWD] 41.0787 ukimports
USA [USD] 1.2709 ukimports
EU Agric. (x) n/a from 01/01/21 ukimports
EU Agric. (÷) n/a from 01/01/21 ukimports

For archived Exchange Rates please see the HMRC website.

May 2024

Each month the UK’s HM Revenue and Customs issues exchange rates that will be used when converting any foreign currency to Pound Sterling, for calculating any Import Duties and Taxes.

1 GB£ = Changed
Euro Zone [EUR] 1.1714 ukimports
Australia [AUD] 1.9385 ukimports
Canada [CAD] 1.7205 ukimports
China [CNY] 9.0175 ukimports
Hong Kong [HKD] 9.7560 ukimports
India [INR] 104.2174 ukimports
Japan [JPY] 192.6387 ukimports
Norway [NOK] 13.6887 ukimports
South Africa [ZAR] 23.7373 ukimports
Switzerland [CHF] 1.1349 ukimports
Taiwan [TWD] 40.4523 ukimports
USA [USD] 1.2457 ukimports
EU Agric. (x) n/a from 01/01/21 ukimports
EU Agric. (÷) n/a from 01/01/21 ukimports

For archived Exchange Rates please see the HMRC website.

April 2024

Each month the UK’s HM Revenue and Customs issues exchange rates that will be used when converting any foreign currency to Pound Sterling, for calculating any Import Duties and Taxes.

1 GB£ = Changed
Euro Zone [EUR] 1.1707 ukimports
Australia [AUD] 1.9472 ukimports
Canada [CAD] 1.7255 ukimports
China [CNY] 9.1364 ukimports
Hong Kong [HKD] 9.9306 ukimports
India [INR] 105.5819 ukimports
Japan [JPY] 192.5866 ukimports
Norway [NOK] 13.5609 ukimports
South Africa [ZAR] 23.9912 ukimports
Switzerland [CHF] 1.1305 ukimports
Taiwan [TWD] 40.5323 ukimports
USA [USD] 1.2693 ukimports
EU Agric. (x) n/a from 01/01/21 ukimports
EU Agric. (÷) n/a from 01/01/21 ukimports

For archived Exchange Rates please see the HMRC website.


Importing into the UK?
Contact us to see if we can help you.

Why not see if we can help with paying the excise duty to UK Customs

UK Import Services Limited
Global Shipping and UK Customs Broker

PO Box 832
United Kingdom

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